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pr: Print with numbered lines and a custom date format.
$ pr -n -D "${format}" ${file1} ${file2} ${file3}
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The command you provided is using the pr command in Unix-like systems. Here is an explanation of each component:

  • pr: The pr command is used to prepare files for printing or viewing. It paginates the input into multiple columns and adds headers, footers, line numbers, and other formatting options.

  • -n: This option is used to include line numbers in the output. Each line will be prefixed with a line number.

  • -D "${format}": This option is used to specify the format of the headers and footers. The ${format} variable should contain the format string you want to use. For example, if ${format} is set to %F %T, the header and footer will display the current date and time.

  • ${file1} ${file2} ${file3}: These are the files that you want to process with the pr command. Replace ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3} with the actual file names or paths you want to include.

Overall, this command will format the contents of ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3} with line numbers and the specified header/footer format, and display the result on the screen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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