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pr: Print with a custom centered header.
$ pr -h "${header}" ${file1} ${file2} ${file3}
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The command "pr -h "${header}" ${file1} ${file2} ${file3}" uses the "pr" command-line utility to combine and display the contents of three files (${file1}, ${file2}, ${file3}) in a more readable format.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "pr" is a Unix command that paginates or concatenates files for printing or screen display.
  • "-h "${header}"" specifies the header text that will be displayed at the top of each page.
  • ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3} represent the paths or names of the three files that need to be combined and displayed.
  • The command is executing in a Unix-like operating system, where variables like ${header}, ${file1}, ${file2}, and ${file3} are being replaced with their actual values before the command is run.

Overall, this command will take the contents of the specified files and format them for better readability, with a custom header displayed at the top of each page.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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