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pre-commit: Install pre-commit into your Git hooks.
$ pre-commit install
try on your machine

The pre-commit install command is used to set up the pre-commit hook for a Git repository.

In Git, a hook is a script that runs automatically before or after certain Git events, such as committing code. The pre-commit hook, as the name suggests, is executed before a commit is made. It allows you to perform various checks or actions on the code being committed and can be used to enforce certain guidelines or conventions.

The pre-commit install command is typically run in the root directory of a Git repository. When executed, it looks for a configuration file called .pre-commit-config.yaml in the repository. This file specifies which hooks should be enabled and which scripts should be executed when the hooks are triggered.

Once the pre-commit install command is successfully run, it creates a symbolic link or copies the necessary files to the .git/hooks/ directory of the repository. This enables the pre-commit hook and ensures that it runs whenever a commit is made in that repository.

By setting up the pre-commit hook, you can automate code checks, formatting, linting, or any other actions to maintain code quality and consistency before the changes are committed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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