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prlimit: Display limit values for all current resources of a specified process.
$ prlimit --pid ${pid number}
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The command "prlimit --pid ${pid number}" is used to view or modify the resource limits of a running process with a specified process ID (PID).

  • "prlimit" is the command used to work with resource limits.
  • "--pid" is the option that specifies the PID of the process whose limits are to be viewed or modified.
  • "${pid number}" is a placeholder for the actual process ID number that you need to provide.

By executing this command with the appropriate PID, you can retrieve information about the resource limits set for that specific process. This can include limits on CPU usage, memory usage, file size, open file descriptors, process priorities, and more.

For example, to view the resource limits of a process with PID 1234, you would run:

prlimit --pid 1234

This will display the current resource limits for that process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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