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promtool: Pass Prometheus metrics over `stdin` to check them for consistency and correctness.
$ curl --silent ${http:--example-com:9090-metrics-} | promtool check metrics
try on your machine

This command utilizes the curl and promtool tools to perform actions related to Prometheus metrics.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. curl: curl is a command-line utility for making HTTP requests. It can be used to send requests to a specified URL and retrieve the corresponding responses.

  2. --silent: This flag is used to prevent curl from displaying unnecessary information and progress meter while making the HTTP request. It ensures that the command's output is concise and does not include any unnecessary logging.

  3. ${http:--example-com:9090-metrics-}: This is a placeholder or variable that needs to be replaced with the actual URL of the Prometheus metrics endpoint. The URL should be specified after the http: prefix. For example, --example-com:9090-metrics- should be replaced with

  4. |: This symbol is called a pipe and is used to redirect the output of one command to another. In this case, it redirects the output of the curl command to the promtool command.

  5. promtool: promtool is a command-line tool provided by Prometheus that performs various checks on Prometheus data, including metrics validation.

  6. check metrics: This is an argument passed to the promtool command, instructing it to perform checks specifically on the retrieved metrics.

Overall, this command retrieves the Prometheus metrics from a specified URL using curl, and then passes those metrics to promtool for validation using the check metrics command. The --silent flag ensures that the process is quiet and does not display unnecessary output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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