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protontricks: [l]ist all installed games.
$ protontricks -l
try on your machine

The command "protontricks -l" is used in Proton, a compatibility layer developed by Valve Software to run Windows-only games on Linux through the Steam gaming platform.

The "-l" in the command stands for "list," and it instructs Protontricks to list all available Winetricks packages that can be installed or managed using Proton.

Winetricks is a script that allows users to install various libraries, tools, and utilities typically required by Windows applications to run properly in a Wine environment. Protontricks builds on top of Winetricks, providing users with easier management of these packages specifically for Proton.

By running "protontricks -l," you can view a list of Winetricks packages that are supported by Proton, enabling you to install or manage them as needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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