protontricks: Show the protontricks help message.
$ protontricks --help
try on your machine
The command "protontricks --help" is used to display a help menu for the Protontricks tool. Protontricks is a command-line utility built specifically for managing and configuring Windows applications running on the Linux-based Proton compatibility layer. It provides various options and commands to customize the behavior of Windows applications on Linux systems.
By executing "protontricks --help", you can retrieve information about the available commands, options, and their usage. The help menu typically includes a list of all the commands, along with a brief description of each command's functionality. This can guide you in understanding and utilizing Protontricks effectively to optimize your experience with Windows software on Linux.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.