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protonvpn-cli-connect: Connect to ProtonVPN interactively.
$ protonvpn-cli connect
try on your machine

The "protonvpn-cli connect" command is used to connect to a VPN (Virtual Private Network) server using the ProtonVPN command-line interface (CLI).

ProtonVPN is a VPN service that provides privacy, anonymity, and security by encrypting your internet connection and routing it through a secure server. The CLI allows you to manage your VPN connections and settings directly from the command line.

The "connect" flag is used with the "protonvpn-cli" command to initiate a connection to a ProtonVPN server. When you run the "protonvpn-cli connect" command, it will establish a secure connection between your device and the VPN server, encrypting all your internet traffic.

This command is typically used when you want to connect to a ProtonVPN server quickly without using a graphical user interface. It can be useful in scripting, automation, or situations where a GUI-based VPN client is not available or desired.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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