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ps: List all processes of the current user in extra full format.
$ ps --user $(id -u) -F
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The command "ps --user $(id -u) -F" is used to display the processes running on the current user's system with detailed information.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. "ps" is the command in Unix-like operating systems used to report a snapshot of the current processes.
  2. "--user $(id -u)" is an option in the "ps" command that filters the processes to be displayed based on the user ID.
    • "id -u" is a command that retrieves the current user's user ID.
    • "$(id -u)" is command substitution that replaces "$(id -u)" with the output of the "id -u" command, which is the current user's user ID.
    • So, "--user $(id -u)" restricts the "ps" command to display the processes of the current user only.
  3. "-F" is another option in the "ps" command that specifies the display format, providing detailed information about each process, including the process hierarchy, used CPU, memory, command, and other details.

Therefore, the command "ps --user $(id -u) -F" displays a detailed list of processes running on the system that belong to the current user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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