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ps: List all processes of the current user as a tree.
$ ps --user $(id -u) f
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The command "ps --user $(id -u) f" is used to display a tree-like representation of a user's currently running processes.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  1. "ps" is a command in Unix-like operating systems that displays information about active processes.
  2. "--user" is an option used to filter the processes based on the specified user. It is followed by "$(id -u)".
  3. "id -u" is a command that returns the user ID of the current user. The "$()" syntax is used to execute this command and substitute its output as an argument to the preceding "--user" option.
  4. "f" is an option used to display the processes in a tree-like format, showing the relationships between the parent and child processes.

In summary, the command "ps --user $(id -u) f" will show a tree-like representation of the currently running processes for the current user.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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