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psexec: Execute a command remotely and output the result to a file.
$ psexec \\${remote_host} cmd /c ${command} -an ^>${path\to\file-txt}
try on your machine

This is a command that uses the "psexec" tool to execute a command on a remote host.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "psexec" is a Windows command-line tool used to execute processes remotely on a target host.
  • "\${remote_host}" is the network path of the remote host machine where you want to execute the command. It should be replaced with the actual hostname or IP address of the remote machine.
  • "cmd" is the command to execute on the remote host. It launches the Windows command prompt.
  • "/c ${command}" is an option for the "cmd" command, which specifies that the subsequent string (represented by "${command}") should be executed and then the command prompt should exit.
  • "-an" is an option specific to the command being executed. It could be a parameter for a custom command, and its exact meaning depends on the specific command being run.
  • "^>${path\to\file-txt}" is used to redirect the output of the executed command to a file, with "${path\to\file-txt}" representing the path where the file will be stored. The "^>" is an escape character used to prevent the ">" symbol from being interpreted by the local shell. This path should be replaced with the actual desired file path and name, typically ending with the ".txt" extension.

Overall, this command establishes a remote connection to a specified host using "psexec" and executes a command on that remote host's command prompt. The output of the executed command is then redirected to a specified file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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