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pssh: Run a command limiting the number of parallel connections to 10.
$ pssh -i -h ${path-to-hosts_file} -p ${10} '${cd dir; --script-sh; exit}'
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the pssh command-line tool with several options and arguments. Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • pssh: This is the command itself, which stands for parallel ssh. It is a tool that enables parallel SSH connections and execution of commands across multiple hosts.

  • -i: This option tells pssh to prompt for a password when connecting to remote hosts. It is used when password authentication is required.

  • -h ${path-to-hosts_file}: This option specifies the path to a file containing a list of hosts to connect to. The actual path should be provided instead of ${path-to-hosts_file}. The hosts file typically contains a list of IP addresses or hostnames, separated by line breaks.

  • -p ${10}: This option specifies the port number to use for SSH connections. The number should be provided instead of ${10}. By default, SSH uses port 22, but this option allows you to specify a different port.

  • '${cd dir; --script-sh; exit}': This is the command that will be executed on each remote host. It is enclosed in single quotes to treat it as a single argument. The command itself consists of several parts:

    • cd dir: This command changes the current working directory on the remote host to dir. dir should be replaced with the actual directory path.

    • --script-sh: This is likely an argument or a script name to be executed in the specified directory (dir). The actual script name should be provided here.

    • exit: This command exits the remote SSH session after the previous commands have been executed. It ensures that the SSH connection is closed after the script finishes running.

The overall purpose of the command is to connect to multiple hosts, change the working directory on each host, execute a script or command within that directory, and then close the SSH connection. The exact behavior and result will depend on the content of the hosts file and the script being executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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