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pstree: Display all process trees rooted at processes owned by specified user.
$ pstree ${user}
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The command pstree ${user} on Unix-like operating systems is used to display a visual representation of the processes that are running on the system, grouped according to their parent-child relationships.

Here's how the command works:

  1. ${user} is a placeholder for the username of the user whose processes you want to display. It is typically replaced with the actual username when running the command.

  2. The command pstree is executed, which stands for "process tree". It gathers information about the processes running on the system and their respective parent-child relationships.

  3. The ${user} argument is passed to pstree to specify the user whose process tree we want to see. This ensures that only the processes belonging to that particular user are shown.

  4. The output of the command is then displayed, usually in a tree-like structure, with the processes organized hierarchically based on their parent-child relationships. The root of the tree represents the init process (PID 1), and its branches represent the different processes spawned by it, and subsequent processes spawned by their parents.

Overall, the pstree ${user} command provides a comprehensive overview of the processes associated with a specific user, helping to visualize the process hierarchy and understand how different processes are related.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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