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pueue-enqueue: List all available date/time formats.
$ pueue enqueue --help
try on your machine

The command "pueue enqueue --help" is used to display the help menu or documentation for the "enqueue" subcommand of the "pueue" command-line tool.

More specifically, the "pueue" tool is a command-line task manager for Linux, which allows you to manage and order the execution of shell commands or scripts. It lets you enqueue commands, pause/resume them, rearrange their order, and more.

By running "pueue enqueue --help", you are requesting information about the available options, arguments, and usage examples specifically for the "enqueue" subcommand. This help menu provides guidance on how to use the command correctly, including various flags, command-dependent parameters, and additional features.

In summary, running "pueue enqueue --help" allows you to access the documentation for the "enqueue" subcommand, helping you to understand its functionality and how to use it effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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