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pueue-group: Show all groups with their statuses and number of parallel jobs.
$ pueue group
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The "pueue group" command is related to a command-line tool named "pueue" that helps manage and prioritize tasks/processes in the terminal.

When you run the "pueue group" command, it displays the current group configuration. Groups are used in pueue to categorize tasks and execute them in parallel or sequentially based on the group settings. Each group can have its own specific behavior and limits.

The command will typically output information about the existing groups, including their names and execution mode (parallel or sequential). Additionally, it might show other details like the maximum amount of parallel tasks for each group and the associated priority.

By checking the group configuration, you can adjust settings and define how tasks within a specific group should be handled by pueue.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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