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pueue-log: Show the last few lines of output from several tasks.
$ pueue log ${task_id} ${task_id}
try on your machine

The command pueue log ${task_id} ${task_id} is likely a command that runs a script or program called "pueue" with the argument "log" followed by two instances of the placeholder ${task_id}.

Here's a breakdown of each component:

  • pueue: This is the name of the script or program being executed.
  • log: This is an argument or subcommand provided to the pueue script or program. It instructs pueue to perform a log-related action.
  • ${task_id}: It seems that ${task_id} is a placeholder that should be replaced with an actual task ID. A task ID is typically a unique identifier assigned to a specific task or process within a system.

So, when executing this command, you need to replace both occurrences of ${task_id} with the actual task ID values you are interested in. This command will then interact with the pueue script or program, specifically its log function, to retrieve logs or perform some action related to the specified task IDs. The exact behavior and output will depend on the implementation of the pueue script or program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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