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pueue-status: Show the status of all tasks.
$ pueue status
try on your machine

The command "pueue status" is used in the Pueue task manager to display the current status of any running or queued tasks.

In Pueue, tasks refer to commands or scripts that you want to execute. When you run a task using Pueue, it is added to a queue and executed one after another in a sequential manner.

The "pueue status" command allows you to see detailed information about the current state of the tasks in the queue. It provides an overview of the tasks that have been completed, are currently running, and are waiting in the queue.

Typically, the "pueue status" command will display the following information for each task:

  • "ID": The unique identifier of the task.
  • "Status": The current status of the task, which can be one of the following: "Running", "Paused", "Queued", "Done", "Failed", or "Killed".
  • "Command": The command or script associated with the task.
  • "Start": The time the task started.
  • "End": The time the task finished (only for completed tasks).
  • "Logs": The path to the log file for the task, where you can find additional information about its execution.

By using the "pueue status" command, you can monitor the progress of your tasks, check for any errors or failures, and keep track of the order in which they will be executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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