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pueue: Execute a pueue subcommand.
$ pueue ${subcommand}
try on your machine

The command "pueue ${subcommand}" is a command-line instruction that is meant to be executed in a terminal or command prompt.

The term "pueue" refers to a command-line task manager utility that allows you to manage and prioritize your command execution. It is an alternative to using the built-in "queue" feature in the command-line shell.

"${subcommand}" is a placeholder that represents a specific command or operation that you want to perform with the "pueue" utility. It should be replaced with an actual subcommand that is supported by "pueue".

For example, if you want to add a command to the task queue, you would replace "${subcommand}" with the subcommand "add". Similarly, if you want to check the status of the queued tasks, you would use the subcommand "status".

The specific functionality and available subcommands for "pueue" will depend on the version and configuration of the utility you have installed on your system. It is recommended to refer to the documentation or help files for the specific "pueue" version you are using to get a list and description of available subcommands and their usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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