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pulseaudio: Check if PulseAudio is running (a non-zero exit code means it is not running).
$ pulseaudio --check
try on your machine

The command "pulseaudio --check" is used to check the running status of the PulseAudio sound server on a Linux system.

When you execute this command, it checks if the PulseAudio server is running and responds with an exit code indicating its status.

Here are the possible exit codes and their meanings:

  • 0: The PulseAudio server is running.
  • 1: The PulseAudio server is not running or not accessible.
  • 2: Other errors occurred while trying to check the status of the server.

By using this command, you can verify if the PulseAudio server is running correctly, helping troubleshoot sound-related issues or ensuring the sound server is operational before attempting any audio-related tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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