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pulumi: Preview and deploy changes to a program and/or infrastructure.
$ pulumi up
try on your machine

The command "pulumi up" is used in infrastructure as code tool Pulumi.

When you run the "pulumi up" command, it compares the current state of your infrastructure with the desired state defined in your Pulumi program. It then determines the necessary changes and provisions or updates the resources accordingly.

Here is the typical workflow of the "pulumi up" command:

  1. It performs a stack preview: Pulumi shows a preview of the changes it is going to make to your infrastructure. This includes creating, updating, or deleting resources. It provides a summary of the changes and seeks for your confirmation.

  2. After confirmation, Pulumi starts executing the desired changes: It provisions or updates the required resources to match the desired state defined in your Pulumi program. This can involve creating new resources, updating existing ones, or deleting unnecessary resources. Pulumi automatically takes care of all the necessary API calls to the cloud provider.

  3. Once the execution is complete, it shows the final status: Pulumi informs you about the outcome of the "pulumi up" command execution. It indicates whether the resources were successfully provisioned or updated, or if there were any errors.

In summary, running the "pulumi up" command is a way to bring your infrastructure to the desired state defined in your Pulumi program by provisioning or updating resources accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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