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pulumi: Preview deployment changes without performing them (dry-run).
$ pulumi preview
try on your machine

The pulumi preview command is a command-line tool/command provided by the Pulumi infrastructure as code (IaC) platform. It is used to preview changes that would be made to the cloud resources managed by your Pulumi application.

When you run pulumi preview, Pulumi compares the current state of your infrastructure (as described by your Pulumi code) with the desired state specified in your code. It then determines what changes would be made to your cloud resources if you were to execute the deployment.

By performing a preview, you can see a summary of what will be created, updated, or deleted before actually applying the changes to your infrastructure. The preview also provides information on any potential issues or errors that might arise during the deployment.

The pulumi preview command is useful for understanding the impact of your code changes and troubleshooting potential issues. It allows you to review the deployment plan and ensure it aligns with your expectations. If everything looks good, you can proceed with executing the changes using the pulumi up command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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