The command pulumi destroy
is used to delete the cloud resources that were created using Pulumi.
When you deploy your infrastructure using Pulumi, it creates various cloud resources, such as virtual machines, load balancers, databases, etc. These resources are created and managed by Pulumi according to your infrastructure-as-code specifications.
The pulumi destroy
command instructs Pulumi to delete all the resources that it created during the deployment. It will identify and tear down all the resources that were provisioned in your cloud provider account based on the state file maintained by Pulumi.
Before destroying anything, Pulumi might prompt you to confirm the operation to prevent accidental deletions. Once you confirm, Pulumi will systematically delete each resource, undoing the deployment and often freeing up the associated cloud costs.
It's important to note that the pulumi destroy
command is irreversible, and should be used with caution. Any data stored in the resources will be permanently lost. It is recommended to take backups or confirm the resource deletions before running this command.