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pushd: Switch first and second directories on the stack.
$ pushd
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The pushd command is used in Unix-like systems (such as Linux) and Windows command prompt to navigate between directories effectively.

When you execute pushd followed by a directory path, it pushes the current directory onto a stack and changes the current directory to the specified one. The stack keeps track of the directory you were in before executing pushd, allowing you to easily switch back to the previous directory using the popd command.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how pushd works:

  1. Suppose you are currently located in directory A.
  2. You execute pushd followed by a directory path (e.g., pushd /home/user/documents).
  3. The current directory (A) is pushed onto a stack, and the current directory is changed to the specified directory (/home/user/documents).
  4. Now you are located in the new directory (/home/user/documents).
  5. You can perform operations in this directory.
  6. If you need to switch back to the previous directory, you can use the popd command. This pops the top directory from the stack and changes the current directory to it.
  7. By executing popd, you will return to directory A.

The pushd command is particularly useful when you need to quickly switch between different directories or navigate through a complex directory structure and easily return to your previous locations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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