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pvs: Change default display to show more details.
$ pvs -v
try on your machine

The command "pvs -v" is a Linux command used to display detailed information about physical volumes (disks or partitions) in the LVM (Logical Volume Manager) system. Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • "pvs": This is the main command used to display information about physical volumes.

  • "-v": It is a short form for the "--verbose" option. When used, it provides more detailed and verbose output, including additional information such as the physical volume size, physical extents, number of logical volumes, volume group, etc.

When you execute the "pvs -v" command, you will get a list of all physical volumes on your system along with the retrieved detailed information. The output might include details like PV Name, PV UUID, VG Name, PV Format, PV Size, PV Free, and more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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