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py-spy: Dump the call stack of a running process.
$ py-spy dump --pid ${pid}
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The command "py-spy dump --pid ${pid}" is used to capture a snapshot of the Python program's execution stack traces at a specific point in time. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "py-spy": It is a profiling tool for Python programs. It can be used to collect performance profiles of Python applications.

  • "dump": It is a command of py-spy that instructs it to capture a profiler snapshot or dump the execution stack traces of the Python program.

  • "--pid ${pid}": This part is where you specify the ID of the process you want to profile. The variable "${pid}" represents the placeholder for the actual process ID. In this command, you need to replace "${pid}" with the desired process ID. The process ID is used to identify the running Python program you want to profile.

By executing this command with a valid process ID, py-spy will collect the current stack traces of the Python program and generate a snapshot file that can be further analyzed or visualized to identify performance bottlenecks or optimize the program's execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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