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pyats-shell: Open pyATS shell with a defined Pickle file.
$ pyats shell --pickle-file ${path-to-pickle-file}
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The command "pyats shell --pickle-file ${path-to-pickle-file}" is utilized to open up a PyATS shell and load a specific pickle file into it. Here's an explanation of each component:

  • pyats refers to the PyATS framework, which is a Python library for network automation and testing.
  • shell is an argument used with pyats to launch the PyATS shell, which provides an interactive environment for executing commands and scripts.
  • --pickle-file is an option that instructs the PyATS shell to load a pickle file. Pickle is a Python module used for object serialization and deserialization, allowing data structures to be easily stored and retrieved.
  • ${path-to-pickle-file} is a placeholder representing the actual path to the pickle file you want to load. You need to replace it with the path to your specific pickle file on your system.

In summary, by executing the given command, you can open the PyATS shell and load a particular pickle file, which will enable you to work with the serialized objects stored within the file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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