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pyats-shell: Open pyATS with IPython disabled.
$ pyats shell --no-ipython
try on your machine

The command "pyats shell --no-ipython" is used to start the PyATS shell without the iPython interactive console.

PyATS (Python Automation and Testing System) is a framework that is used for Network Automation and Testing. It provides various tools and utilities to simplify network automation tasks. One of its features is the interactive shell, which allows users to execute Python commands and interact with network devices or test cases.

When you execute the command "pyats shell --no-ipython", it starts the PyATS shell but without the iPython interactive console. iPython is an enhanced interactive Python shell that provides additional features and functionalities compared to the standard Python shell. By specifying the "--no-ipython" flag, you are choosing not to use iPython and instead use the default Python shell.

Using the PyATS shell without iPython can be useful if you don't require the advanced features offered by iPython and prefer a simpler environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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