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pyats-version: Display outdated packages.
$ pyats version check --outdated
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The command "pyats version check --outdated" is used to check for outdated versions of the pyATS (Python Automation Testing System) software.

Here's what the different parts of the command mean:

  • "pyats" is the name of the command or executable that is being run.
  • "version" is a subcommand or option provided by the "pyats" command. It indicates that we are requesting information about the software version.
  • "check" is another subcommand or option that specifies the specific type of check we want to perform.
  • "--outdated" is an additional option or argument passed to the "check" subcommand. It specifies that we only want to check for versions of the software which are considered outdated.

When you run this command, it will check the installed version of pyATS and compare it with the latest available version. If the installed version is outdated, it will provide a notification or alert indicating that a newer version is available.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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