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pyats: Display help about a specific subcommand.
$ pyats ${subcommand} --help
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The command "pyats ${subcommand} --help" is typically used in the context of the pyATS (Python Automation Test System) framework.

Here's a breakdown of the different components:

  • "pyats": This is the main command for running pyATS. It acts as the entry point to the framework.
  • "${subcommand}": This is a placeholder representing a specific subcommand that you would provide. The actual subcommand could be any of the available pyATS commands, such as "genie" (for running testcases), "ls" (for listing available testcases/catalogs), or "shell" (for interactive Python shell).
  • "--help": This is an optional flag that can be added to the command to display the help information or the usage instructions of the specified subcommand. It provides details on how to use the subcommand, its available options, and example usage.

By running the "pyats ${subcommand} --help" command, you can obtain information about the specified subcommand, such as its purpose and how to use it effectively.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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