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pyats: Run a `pyATS` subcommand.
$ pyats ${subcommand}
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The command "pyats" is a command-line interface (CLI) command used in the PyATS framework. PyATS stands for Python Automation Testing System, a scalable and extensible testing framework provided by Cisco.

The "pyats" command is typically followed by a subcommand, which represents a specific action or task to be performed within the PyATS framework. The subcommands allow users to interact with different features and components of the framework.

For example, if you execute the command "pyats test", you are running the "test" subcommand, which allows you to execute automated tests using PyATS. Similarly, "pyats parse" is the subcommand used to parse and analyze structured data.

The available subcommands and their functionality may vary depending on the version and setup of PyATS you are using. It is essential to refer to the PyATS documentation or use the "pyats --help" command to get a list of available subcommands and their descriptions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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