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pycodestyle: Check the style of multiple files.
$ pycodestyle ${file1-py} ${file2-py} ${file3-py}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using the pycodestyle tool to check the coding style of three Python files: ${file1-py}, ${file2-py}, and ${file3-py}.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • pycodestyle: This is the command to run the pycodestyle tool. pycodestyle (previously known as pep8) is a Python style guide checker that analyzes Python code and ensures it follows the PEP 8 style recommendations.

  • ${file1-py}, ${file2-py}, ${file3-py}: These are file placeholders or variables. The command assumes that these variables will be substituted with the actual names of the Python files you want to analyze. For example, if you have three Python files named,, and, you would replace ${file1-py} with, ${file2-py} with, and ${file3-py} with before running the command.

When you run this command with the actual file names, it will execute pycodestyle on each of the specified Python files and provide you with a report of any style violations found in those files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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