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List of commands for pygmentize:

  • pygmentize:tldr:02e75 pygmentize: Save output to a file in HTML format.
    $ pygmentize -f html -o ${output_file-html} ${input_file-py}
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  • pygmentize:tldr:09689 pygmentize: Highlight file syntax and print to standard output (language is inferred from the file extension).
    $ pygmentize ${file-py}
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  • pygmentize:tldr:19932 pygmentize: List available output formats.
    $ pygmentize -L formatters
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  • pygmentize:tldr:72ea3 pygmentize: List available lexers (processors for input languages).
    $ pygmentize -L lexers
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  • pygmentize:tldr:9c0a0 pygmentize: Explicitly set the language for syntax highlighting.
    $ pygmentize -l ${javascript} ${input_file}
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  • pygmentize:tldr:d2aee pygmentize: Output an HTML file, with additional formatter options (full page, with line numbers).
    $ pygmentize -f html -O "full,linenos=True" -o ${output_file-html} ${input_file}
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