The command "pypy -m pdb ${filename-py}" is used to run a Python script with the PyPy interpreter and start the PDB (Python Debugger) module to debug the script.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"pypy": This is the command to start the PyPy interpreter, an alternative implementation of Python with a Just-in-Time compiler.
"-m pdb": This tells PyPy to run the pdb module as a script, which starts the Python Debugger.
"${filename-py}": This is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual filename of the Python script you want to debug. For example, if your script is named "example.py", the command would become "pypy -m pdb example.py".
When you run this command, PyPy will execute the specified Python script and pause at the first line of code. The PDB module will provide a command-line interface where you can interactively debug the program, allowing you to set breakpoints, step through code, inspect variables, and more.