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pyrit: List available cores.
$ pyrit list_cores
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The command "pyrit list_cores" is used in the Pyrit tool, which is a powerful Wi-Fi password cracking program. This command is used to list the available computing cores or processors that can be utilized to speed up the cracking process.

When the command is executed, it displays a list of all the computing cores that Pyrit has detected on the system. Each core is identified by a number and other information, including its type, clock speed, and capabilities.

By using this command, users can determine the number and capabilities of the computing cores available for Pyrit to utilize during password cracking. This information is useful for optimizing the cracking process and maximizing its efficiency by utilizing all available computing power.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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