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pytest: Run tests from specific files.
$ pytest ${path-to-test_file1-py path-to-test_file2-py ---}
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The command pytest is a tool used for running Python tests. It allows running multiple test files at once by specifying the paths to the test files as arguments.

In the given command, pytest is executed with the following arguments:

  • ${path-to-test_file1-py}: This represents the path to the first test file (e.g., /path/to/ It is replaceable with the actual path to the test file.
  • ${path-to-test_file2-py}: This represents the path to the second test file (e.g., /path/to/ It is also replaceable with the actual path to the test file.
  • ---: This is a separator used when providing multiple arguments to the command.

Therefore, the command instructs pytest to run the specified test files ( and in succession. Make sure to replace ${path-to-test_file1-py} and ${path-to-test_file2-py} with the actual paths to the test files you want to execute.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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