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python: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
$ python
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The command python typically refers to the executable file or binary for the Python interpreter.

When this command is executed in the command prompt or terminal, it starts the Python interpreter, allowing the user to interactively run Python code.

The Python interpreter processes Python code line by line, executing the instructions and providing the output as it encounters different statements. It can be used to run individual Python scripts or as an interactive shell for quick experimentation and testing of Python code.

Once the Python interpreter starts, a ">>>" prompt appears, indicating that it is ready to receive and execute Python code. Users can enter Python commands or write scripts, and the interpreter will process them accordingly.

For example, entering print("Hello, World!") after the ">>>" prompt and pressing enter will execute the code and produce the output "Hello, World!".

The Python interpreter can also be used to run Python scripts directly from the command line by providing the script filename as an argument. For example, python would execute the Python code written in the file.

In summary, python is the command used to open the Python interpreter, allowing users to run Python code interactively or execute Python scripts from the command line.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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