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q: Query `.tsv` file.
$ q -t "SELECT * from ${filename}"
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The given command is using the command-line tool q to execute a SQL query. Here is what each part of the command denotes:

  • q: This is the command-line tool being used that allows running SQL queries against tabular data files.

  • -t: This option is used to specify the query type. In this case, it is a select query.

  • "SELECT * from ${filename}": This is the SQL query that will be executed. It is selecting all columns (*) from the table named ${filename}. The ${filename} is likely a variable, and in this command, it represents the actual name of the table from which data will be selected.

Overall, this command is instructing the q tool to execute a select query to fetch all rows and columns from a table specified by ${filename}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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