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qjoypad: Load the given layout in an already running instance of QJoyPad, or start QJoyPad using the given layout.
$ qjoypad "${layout}"
try on your machine

The command "qjoypad" is used to run the QJoyPad application, which is a program that allows you to map keyboard and mouse events to a joystick or gamepad.

In the given command, "${layout}" is a placeholder for the name of a specific layout file. The layout file contains the mapping configurations for the joystick or gamepad. It specifies which keys or mouse events should be triggered when specific buttons or joystick movements are detected.

So, by running the command "qjoypad "${layout}"", you are executing the QJoyPad application with the specific layout file, which sets up the desired button and joystick mappings for your joystick or gamepad.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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