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qmmp: Start or stop the currently playing audio.
$ qmmp --play-pause
try on your machine

The command "qmmp --play-pause" is used to control the playback of audio files using the Qmmp audio player on a Linux system.

Qmmp is a multimedia player that aims to provide a user-friendly interface along with various features. The "--play-pause" part of the command instructs Qmmp to either play or pause the current audio playback.

When you execute this command in a terminal, Qmmp checks the current state of playback. If the audio is currently playing, it will be paused. On the other hand, if the audio is already paused, Qmmp will start playing the audio file.

This command is useful when you want to control audio playback quickly without opening the Qmmp graphical interface. It can be helpful for scripting or assigning keyboard shortcuts to control playback, among other automation tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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