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List of commands for qmrestore:

  • qmrestore:ai:4e34f qmrestore exit codes?
    $ qmrestore -e
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  • qmrestore:ai:b4d0f qmrestore
    $ qmrestore
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  • qmrestore:ai:ee977 Restores all files and directories from a previously created Qumulo snapshot
    $ qmrestore all
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  • qmrestore:tldr:6e9ee qmrestore: Start virtual machine immediately from the backup while restoring in the background (only on Proxmox Backup Server).
    $ qmrestore ${path-to-vzdump-qemu-100-vma-lzo} ${100} --live-restore true
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  • qmrestore:tldr:ad93b qmrestore: Restore the virtual machine from a given backup file on specific storage.
    $ qmrestore ${path-to-vzdump-qemu-100-vma-lzo} ${100} --storage ${local}
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  • qmrestore:tldr:b4a88 qmrestore: Overwrite existing virtual machine from a given backup file on the original storage.
    $ qmrestore ${path-to-vzdump-qemu-100-vma-lzo} ${100} --force true
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  • qmrestore:tldr:bc780 qmrestore: Restore virtual machine from given backup file on the original storage.
    $ qmrestore ${path-to-vzdump-qemu-100-vma-lzo} ${100}
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