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qrcp: Specify a [p]ort to use.
$ qrcp ${select} --port ${port_number}
try on your machine

This command is composed of several parts:

  • qrcp: It is likely a command-line utility or script used to transfer files or data over a local network using QR codes. It stands for "QR Code Quick Transfer."

  • ${select}: This is likely a placeholder variable which should be replaced with the name or path of the file or directory you want to transfer.

  • --port ${port_number}: This is another placeholder variable where you should specify the port number you want to use for the file transfer. Port numbers are used to identify specific processes or services on a network. It's important to replace ${port_number} with the actual port number you want to utilize.

So overall, this command is used to transfer a file or directory specified by ${select} using the specified ${port_number} for communication. The exact functionality and behavior may depend on the specific implementation of the qrcp utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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