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List of commands for quotacheck:

  • quotacheck:tldr:0a146 quotacheck: Check quotas on a given filesystem, displaying the progress.
    $ sudo quotacheck --verbose ${mountpoint}
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  • quotacheck:tldr:0eee1 quotacheck: Force check even if quotas are enabled (this can cause damage or loss to quota files).
    $ sudo quotacheck --force ${mountpoint}
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  • quotacheck:tldr:2d6b9 quotacheck: Check quotas on all mounted non-NFS filesystems.
    $ sudo quotacheck --all
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  • quotacheck:tldr:5c9d8 quotacheck: Check quotas on a given filesystem in debug mode.
    $ sudo quotacheck --debug ${mountpoint}
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  • quotacheck:tldr:71dfd quotacheck: Check group quotas.
    $ sudo quotacheck --group ${group} ${mountpoint}
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  • quotacheck:tldr:970dc quotacheck: Check user quotas.
    $ sudo quotacheck --user ${user} ${mountpoint}
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