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r2e: List all feeds.
$ r2e list
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The command "r2e list" is related to a tool called "r2e" (Release to Environment) used in the software development process, particularly for deploying software changes to different environments.

When you run the command "r2e list," it retrieves and displays a list of available environments or deployments that have been configured within the r2e tool. These deployments can include various environments like development, staging, testing, or production.

The output of the "r2e list" command usually includes useful information about each deployment, such as the environment name, its unique identifier, the server or URL associated with it, and potentially additional details like version numbers or branches.

By displaying this list, developers or system administrators can easily see the different environments available for deployment and get a quick overview of the current state of each environment. This can help with tasks like selecting the appropriate environment for testing or deploying a software change to the desired target environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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