r2e: Subscribe to a feed.
$ r2e add ${feed_name} ${feed_URI}
try on your machine
This command is using the "r2e" tool to add a new feed to a RSS reader named "feed_name" with the corresponding Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) "feed_URI".
Here's a breakdown of the command:
- "r2e" refers to the command or utility that is being executed. It is presumably a tool specific to managing RSS feeds.
- "add" is a subcommand of the "r2e" tool, indicating that we want to add a new feed.
- "${feed_name}" is a placeholder for the desired name or title you want to give to the new feed. It should be replaced with an actual name without any spaces.
- "${feed_URI}" is a placeholder for the URI or URL of the RSS feed you want to add. It should be replaced with the actual feed URL.
To use this command, you need to have the "r2e" tool installed and properly configured on your system. Once executed, it will add a new feed with the given name and URI to your RSS reader, allowing you to receive updates from that source.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.