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racket: Start a REPL (interactive shell) for the `typed/racket` hashlang.
$ racket -I typed/racket
try on your machine

The command "racket -I typed/racket" is used to start the Racket programming language with the additional option of loading the typed/racket module/interface. Here's a breakdown of the command and its components: - "racket" is the executable command used to start the Racket programming language. - "-I" is an option flag that specifies an include path or module to load at startup. - "typed/racket" is the specific module or interface being loaded with the "-I" flag. In this case, it refers to the typed/racket module, which is an extension of Racket that adds static type checking to the language. By using this command, the Racket programming environment will start with the typed/racket module loaded, allowing you to write and run programs with static type checking capabilities.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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