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radare2: Debug a program.
$ radare2 -d ${path-to-binary}
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The command "radare2 -d ${path-to-binary}" is used to start the radare2 debugger and load a binary file for analysis.

  • "radare2" refers to the radare2 binary tool, which is a powerful open-source framework for reverse engineering and analyzing binaries.
  • "-d" is an option to specify that radare2 should run in debug mode.
  • "${path-to-binary}" is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual path to the binary file you want to analyze. It is the path of the file you want to debug, such as an executable or a shared library.

When you execute this command, radare2 debugger starts, and the specified binary file is loaded. You can then use various debugger commands provided by radare2 to analyze the binary, set breakpoints, step through the code, examine memory, registers, and much more.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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