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rails-db: Access the database console.
$ rails db
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The command "rails db" is a command that is typically used in Ruby on Rails applications to perform database-related tasks.

When you run this command, Rails will connect to the database defined in the application's database configuration file (config/database.yml) and provide you with an interactive command line interface (CLI) to interact with the database.

Once you are in the Rails database console, you can run various commands to interact with the database, such as creating or modifying database tables, executing raw SQL queries, or performing data manipulations, among other things. It provides you with a way to interact with the database directly instead of going through the Rails application itself.

Some common commands that can be run inside the Rails database console include:

  • "create" or "drop": These commands can be used to create or drop database tables.
  • "migrate": This command runs any pending database migrations, updating the database schema based on the migrations defined in your Rails application.
  • "select": This command allows you to perform queries to retrieve data from the database.
  • "insert" or "update": These commands can be used to insert or update data in the database.
  • "delete": This command allows you to delete records from the database.

By using the "rails db" command, you can easily manage and manipulate your database directly from the command line, making it a convenient tool for database-related tasks in a Ruby on Rails application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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