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rails-db: View the status of each migration file.
$ rails db:migrate:status
try on your machine

The command "rails db:migrate:status" is used in Ruby on Rails framework to view the current status of the database migrations.

Here's how it works:

  1. "rails" is the command to interact with Ruby on Rails framework.
  2. "db" refers to the database-related commands.
  3. "migrate" is a sub-command that is used for managing database migrations.
  4. "status" is an option that you can use with "migrate" to check the status of the migrations.

When you run "rails db:migrate:status" in the terminal, it will display a table showing the status of each migration file in your application's "db/migrate" directory. The table typically includes columns like "Status", "Migration ID", "Migration Name", and "Group".

The "Status" column indicates whether a migration has been migrated or not. It may display "up" for migrated migrations or "down" for pending migrations. Migrated migrations have already been applied to the database, while pending migrations are yet to be executed.

The "Migration ID" and "Migration Name" columns provide identification information about each migration. They help you easily identify and locate specific migrations in your application.

The "Group" column represents the migration group to which a migration belongs. Migration groups are used to categorize migrations based on their purpose, such as "default", "development", or any other custom group you may have defined.

Overall, the "rails db:migrate:status" command is a useful tool for managing and tracking the status of your database migrations in a Ruby on Rails application.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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