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rails-db: Fill the current database with data defined in `db/seeds.rb`.
$ rails db:seed
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The command "rails db:seed" is used in Ruby on Rails framework to initialize the database with predefined data.

When we run this command, Rails will look for a file called "seeds.rb" in the "db" directory of the project. This file contains Ruby code that creates records in the database using the ActiveRecord models of the application.

The "seeds.rb" file typically contains multiple lines of code, each representing a record to be created in the database. For example, it may include calls to create instances of ActiveRecord models and set their attributes.

The purpose of the "db:seed" command is to populate the database with initial data, such as default users, sample data, or any other records needed to get started with the application. This can be helpful when setting up a new development or testing environment.

After running the "rails db:seed" command, the code in "seeds.rb" will be executed, and the database will be populated accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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