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rails-db: Create databases, load the schema, and initialize with seed data.
$ rails db:setup
try on your machine

The "rails db:setup" command is used in Ruby on Rails framework to set up a database for a Rails application.

Specifically, the "db:setup" task is a predefined rake task provided by Rails. Rake is a build automation tool in Ruby, and it allows you to define and execute tasks within your Rails application.

When you run "rails db:setup" in your command line, it performs the following steps:

  1. It creates the database specified in your application's database configuration file (config/database.yml), if it doesn't already exist.
  2. It loads the database schema (db/schema.rb) into the newly created database.
  3. It seeds the database with the data specified in the seeds.rb file (db/seeds.rb), if one exists. The seeds file usually contains initial data or sample data to populate the database.

In summary, "rails db:setup" creates the database, sets up the schema, and optionally seeds the data, all in one command. It's typically used when setting up a new development or production environment or when resetting the database for a clean slate.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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